8am  - 4:30pm Mon - Fri

Elm Tree Preservation

Elm preservation was one of the original programs initiated by the Beautification Commission shortly after formation in 1979.  Beautification commissioners walked the entire city surveying the elm population for flagging symptoms - die off of the outer edges of elm branches - the possible beginning of Dutch Elm Disease.  Suspect trees were reported to Public Service for confirmation and removal if DED is present.

Later that summer U.S. Forestry Department Dr. Gregory began a 5 year elm injection program using both Lignasan and Arbotect in the park.  He gave talks throughout the Pointes stressing a total elm preservation program consisting of:

  • Survey
  • Preventative Pruning
  • Injection
  • Tree Hydration and Fertilizing
  • Follow Up
  • Removal if necessary
Beginning in 1980 the Park's Public Service Department ordered the fungicide for residents self injection and the Commissioners delivered the product to residents.  Fungicide was and still is provided to all interested residents at the city's cost.  After training from Dr. Gregory, Commissioners instructed residents in safe and proper injection techniques.  Later in the 1980s the park used college forestry students as summer interns for the surveys and follow ups.  In the 1990s we had a full time forester and Dr. Lanier of S.U.N.Y. working on the program.

Grosse Pointe Park now has a degreed forester Brian Colter on staff doing the year long survey inspections and coordinating pruning and removal as necessary to preserve as many elms as possible.  Our elm population is increasing as disease resistant specimens become available planting more than removed.  The Commission's role is instruction of residents.
For inspection of suspect trees contact City Forester Brian Colter at 313-822-5020.

For injection instructions contact Al Mazur.
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Grosse Pointe Park