8am  - 4:30pm Mon - Fri

2021 City Master Plan Update

Throughout 2021, the City of Grosse Pointe Park will be working with MKSK to update the City's current Master Plan. The current master plan was adopted in 2012 .  The Grosse Pointe Park Master Plan website is the perfect place for the community to share their thoughts and ideas and also to track project progress. Upcoming meetings and project events will be shared on both websites. The current draft master plan can be found here.
GrossePointeParkMP - Flyer - Planning Commission Meeting

The first event was the Virtual Visioning sessions, held in conjunction with the Planning Commission meeting on February 9th, 2021.  To watch a recording of the meeting, please click here.
To watch the recording of the Planning & Visual Merchandising Best Practices Workshop with Bob Gibbs held on March 9, 2021, click here.
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Grosse Pointe Park